I am and always will be the son of Veronica Valentine and William Alexander Valentine. But they are not the people who I would call my mother and father. My mother is Hana, Hana Hayden. She was also my trainer with a sword. Unlike my siblings I was unable to use magic. My family was well known for their magic abilities. But I found a soldier that helped me. I spoke with her, trained with her, snuck food from the castle to her. Slowly I got better with a singular sword. When I had learned her style.
I was nudged to stand up.
“Come on Arc let me teach you the second half”
“Second half?”
“Yes the second half”
She had picked up four wooden swords tossing me two, I caught them. Then I looked up at her.
“Since you know how to use one sword already. I’m not going easy on you kid.”
We started to spar, that was how it usually had been with training. My right hand had moved faster then my left. My block was weak and I was hit in the head. I fell down. I heard as wooden swords fell down Hana lifted my head then hugged me.
“Maybe I was wrong, I am sorry young prince”
I started to push away “I’m okay, and why’d you start treating me like the others?”
She had let go “Right sorry Arc.”
She stood up then stood me up and dusted me off.
“Arc lets get you patched up, from now on when you are able use your left hand instead of your right one.”
I nod, as she takes me to the soldier post’s med bay the medic there looked towards us then motioned to a roll of bandages, we had already been here multiple times. She wrapped the bandages around my head.
From that day on we trained with the dual swords. I used my left hand with multiple things, eating food, writing, and other things. Hana beat all her techniques into my head. I started to get better and once I had Hana down on the ground the edge of my wooden sword at her. I had actually won against her.
I stayed home that day. Got an earful from my parents while my siblings laughed. They insulted Hana at the end of their rant. I got angry and challenged them. They denied and my oldest siblings had taken the spots of my parents. I had two dull steel swords. Hana was summoned to the room.
The fight had started I rushed in. My entire body stopped I looked up and saw as my elder brothers hand was held up towards me.
“ARC MOVE IT!” Hana shouted towards me.
I looked towards my sister as a bolt of light rushed towards me. It landed straight into my leg knocking me off balance. I felt my body being let go as a large ball of fire was sent towards me from my brother. I cut it into fours as I started to rush in blood starting to push through my leg. As I swing my swords towards my elder brother it stops. I turned to my sister as she held her hand up throwing me into the air. I watched as my brother started to form lightning in his hands. I lifted my swords.
“Arc redirect it!” Hana was still here and watching.
I I started to line up my sword. As the bolt got closer I dropped my sword, redirecting the lightning. I slammed my other sword into the ground breaking the ground giving me a bit of cushioning I picked up my sword. And started to rush to them once more. I wasn’t going to lay down. As I swing to my sister armor was formed around her I grabbed it then jumped off of her. Lifting my swords above my head the second I saw my brother i swung down with all my strength cutting open his right eye. I drag my swords on the floor my knee gave out as I kneeled down. I started to stand up. I looked up to see my brother charging up a fire bolt. It then launch towards me. I tried to stand up. But failed, it got closer then was blocked by Hana.
“That’s enough. From the information that your parents gave me, none of you are allowed to kill each other. And let me tell you. that Arc has won the second he landed a hit on either one of you seeing that you were only using tag teams. And were still struggling.” Hana had said with a simple and dull voice.
“Get out of my way Soldier this is your future king talking!” shouted my brother.
She stayed standing there. My parents then walked over my mother had healed my wounded leg. Hana then looked towards them.
“Was this satisfactory?”
“I suppose. For his 16th birthday you may do as you wished.”
Hana and my Parents had made a deal. And I am still happy she did make this deal. My 16th birthday wasn’t anything new. Other nobles, allies, and lastly some members of Hana’s knight hood, and I stayed with them for the most part. The party came to an end. After a dance I was forced to partake in. I stood on the balcony Hana walked towards me holding warped swords.
“Yes? Hana?”
“Congratulations on turning 16 my student” She held the swords towards me.
I took them off her hands, and unwrapped them. A long sword and a short sword. There was nothing special to this no gold accents it was a simple type of steel to what I had been told. She then took out a box taking out a type of charm.
“This charm if from my home town said to bring great luck.” She said while tying it tightly to the end of my long sword.
“Hana. Thank you, I love it.”
She then took out two earrings of gold. “As you know I am not self taught, my master gifted me these earrings” She moved her hair from her ears one on each. “And I was able to replicate them, so these are yours to wear.”
The next day she was gone. I kept training. When I was eighteen I had left my country. While I did technically win against my older siblings. I didn’t gain anybody’s respect since I had won with swords. So I’m going to find a way to be able to use magic.
Tayt Shun
I used to live in the streets after the war had taken my family from me. The town of shattered beak a land of Aarakocra and lost humans. After that civic war of people my family was caught in the crossfire. Both sides had fallen. People rebuild, leaving me without a home with no money. So I started fighting there was only one possible thing to do. I was a survivor of a brutal war, that had corrupted me or so I had believed. I was sitting against a building my fists covered in blood, the man that saved me was a Aarakocra and a priest dressed in black and silver robes.
“Young one”
“What do you want?”
“If you may will you accompany me back to my church”
After some fighting with our words where he was mostly on the defense I accompanied him to his church, It was a huge monastery, Nuns and Monks were training in the courtyard white bandages wrapped their hands multiple families with smiles on their faces walked out coming towards the gate and walking to their homes, the bell rang three times.
“You enjoy fighting right? Young one”
“I suppose?”
He started to walk towards large wooden doors, then signaled me to follow him I did.
“We warship Mori a goddess of war and her twin brother vivere, who is also a god of war. Mori is the remembrance of death and Vivere is the remembrance of life.”
“War huh”
“Yes, young one, war is seen as both death and life, therefore creating Mori and Vivere, now I am aware that you feel troubled from the war that had broken this land, but we have been helping rebuild. But this doesn’t mean that they truly exist, they are concepts that we carry through calling them gods and goddesses.”
“That’s right I cannot bring back the dead, but I can remember them and continue to live on to the fullest. Now then for the reason I brought you here, will you allow us to train you? To teach you our ways? You’ll be fed and clothed as well as taught how to read and write.”
I nodded for once I trusted this person. I trained with them I learned from them, training was brutal but it wasn’t able to kill me from exhaustion. Learning was hard yet enjoyable, This was known as Vivere both a god and a feeling of life. When I was 13 it was time for my first tattoo, A sword and sheath was put on my fists one bloodstained blade the other being a simple silver blade. the shield having a cloth of the same color Blue and Red. Vivere and Mori.
There was another higher monks with the same type either having one to six of these. I already had two. The next one would’ve been the same colored weapons but with two swords the last two would’ve been a sword and a shield. The tattoos resembled Mori and Vivere.
“Tayt come here!”
I ran to Dul the Aarakocra that had saved me.
“It is your time to create your own adventure Tayt.”
“What do you mean?”
“This is the sadder part of Vivere, I have lived my life happily training multiple students, you included. But it is your turn to live life. You have feared death for so long. Memento vivere Tayt”
I hugged him. He patted my back.
“Yes, yes I’ll miss you as well. Now then go”
That first step out of the front gate was scarier then hiding in that closet to not get caught.
Takju Snow
Both my mom and my old man. They both chose to throw me out. Not out of a house or something like that No they threw me out of a window. Now you may ask why? and how are you still alive. Well the reason why is that While I may be my old man’s I am not my mothers child. My old man is a King, so he has his sets of people. I come from one of them. How you may ask simple my hair color. Old man has blue hair as my mother has purple hair. My old man grabbed me by my neck dragged me towards a random Window opened it. Shouted to my mother.
“This is my faith my love”
The next second he had thrown me. That second I saw the sky without me wanting to I knew that they had crossed me. With little to no reason. I landed on my neck. I don’t know why I hadn’t died. blood poured from me. I felt little to nothing, I couldn’t move. but I could breath and I could think. My head was looking to the side. Two yellow eyes staring back at me. It started coming towards me. two large wings. This was one of the monsters that would’ve been killed by monster hunters. But there was little to none near here. blood covered it’s face. blood on it’s body scars on it’s chest. torn up wings. But i knew somehow this thing could fly. this lasted for at least an hour It stared into my eyes and I stared into its.
“I help.”
I started feeling warmth, the coldness the wetness of my blood. I felt a fleshy coldness cover my arms forming gauntlets. then I felt as if I could move.
“Brave Boy”
I stood up, looking up at the Large bat like being. Throwing a punch. I closed my eyes I was scared even though I was doing this. The next second I heard three stabbing sounds. I opened my eyes to a body of warmth.
“It’s all over kid, I’m here. We’re here. The Mercy is here kid.”
I opened my eyes to a red haired woman holding me into her chest. she wore a black cloak, black pants and black boots with a black cape shawl. with silver lining. She held a long sword and a dagger which were pointed away from me. I saw as other people from other genders and races started harvesting the monster.
“Good kill” There it was again that voice.
“What’s your name kid?” the woman asked me
“Takju Snow”
“Takju? Like the cloudy liquor?” one of her teammates that was harvesting the dead monster
“I don’t know”
“Hey, how about this, we take you under our wing. Teach you the ropes of monster hunting then see how you do. those gauntlets of yours. Their alive. It’s a mimic. Guess it’s a very old one. Keep it doesn’t look like it’s hurting you.”
She took off her shawl putting it on me. She took me to their HQ. The Mercy started teaching me how to fight monsters from small to large. What the types are weak to. Then they sent me out. To take the monster hunter test. I passed. When I had returned I saw that the HQ was completely broken ruined to the base of it.
I turned to see Doran the leader of the mercy, tackling me to the ground. The next second I watched as a Large being attacked and missed us. it rolled. arrows were stuck into it’s body. cloth and fur covered it’s body. it had a broken jaw veins coming out of it’s body sharp nails. bones that seemed to be both stabbed into it and torn out of it. white hair. It turned, It’s yellow eyes looked around seeing past us. it huffed as if it was laughing. It then walked away.
After it had gotten away I sat up breathing heavily. I looked down at Doran, who was breathing heavily.
“Holy shit. That thing killed 3 of us.” She stood up. Then reached out to me. “Lets rebuild and give the fallen proper graves.”
“The hell was that!?” I shouted wanting knowledge.
“Looks like that was a Wendigo. And it killed Apher, Fahad, and Kean. Lets get to rebuilding we don’t have time right now to cry about it.”
I took her hand.
“How’d the test go?”
“I passed. S-“
“After rebuilding you going to join the mercy or you wanna chase after that fucker?”
“Yeah Chase after it.”
“Come on, lets go get those idiots a proper burial. Remember this is just how it is”
I nodded. We walked back to the base where 4 others were. The Mercy once a team of 8 down to a team of 5. I didn’t stay to help rebuild. But I did stay till the burial was finished. There were tears in all of our eyes. The next minute I started to walk away where the Wendigo had gone. Doran stopped me.
“Kid. here”
She handed me a symbol of a reaper.
“This is the logo of the mercy. You have always been one of us. And you always will be.”
“Thanks Doran”
“And one last thing kid, There’s a box with a couple of clothes in there. Their yours.”
In the box was clothes like theirs. I was a part of the mercy. And I loved it. Because I will be the mercy for people but not those monsters.
Voidrose Blood
Voidrose blood is like a virus, while it does mean multiple things, such as God slayers, God Killers, threat to all gods, conquerors, and many more names that show strength. There’s no such thing as a weak Voidrose. Sure there are levels to them but a weak Voidrose is impossible. The levels of Voidrose range from Demigod to God of Gods.
The reason I call it a virus is simple. There is no way to tell whose child it is. Voidrose blood overrides everything. except for racial properties, if not enhancing them. Think of them as improved versions of you.
The only real way to gain these “power-ups” is if you are either compatible with the blood or have the same genetics as the parents of The damned one, The Yeti, Controller, and the Snake queen. Those are their main titles. Their real names are Hansei, the eldest, brother the Oni succubi mixed breed. Haku, the second oldest, the Succubi Yeti mixed breed, Nayu, the youngest, Succubi and devil. Lastly Nagi, the third oldest, Naga and succubi mixed breed. Their story is a tragic one. Their oldest brother saved them and their mother. To this day they still live.
Akko, Kuro/Ezra. These two are currently the strongest of Hanseis children, learning how to tap into the blood that courses through their veins.
Voidrose blood taps into the black flame, the black flame used to be Amateratsus then Hansei who at the time was called Akuma stole it from her claiming it as his own. Doing so he rewrote history changing it comepletely to make the black flame only belong to his bloodline. through out his adventures and multiple lives he started taking and robbing gods of their properties. starting with black flames to black lightning then blood water then eventually albino trees. A limiter was never set on the voidrose blood, sneaking through the ranks of gods that accepted and created races.
This is a warning to everyone who reads this, never fight a Voidrose. They will always win. their entire will cancels out the fate of this world. they are basically immune to it.
Starrk Hyatt
I never really learned who my parents were. But I do know my Father was a Mimic and my mother was a elf. My Mom Lily Hyatt a dark human bar maid. She found me when i was just a baby. Adventures and mercenaries would come in and out of the guild either getting quests missions or just to relax. When I became the age of around five the owner of the guild had me work. people started asking why my hair seemed to have teeth in it and that I called Lily mom or mommy even though my hair was blonde and my eyes were blue. So I used my mimicry for the first time ever. my eyes became black and my hair followed the same path. I wanted Lily to be my mom I copied her hair style also.
There was also a Man that made me into who I am, and I consider him my father. he was Azrael Coyote . It was wonderful. Me, My mom, my dad, and his party. My father teaching me how to fight and having me spar with his party members and my mom teaching me how to read and write since she learned from the owner of the guild. It was fun good times. Learning from both of them.
I loved it then it went to shit. I don’t know what started it or who started it but I will find out. The guild me and my mom stayed in was attacked. the adventures and mercenaries were no match. Lily tried to get me out of there. But i denied her wanting to run and find Azrael. She begged and begged for me to run pushing a bag with gold in it, but I refused and refused. That’s when they took my mom from me. There was already a fire bursting the guild into ashes. They looked down at me. then stopped in place. they were killed. It was my father. Tears filled and fell from my eyes into the dirt and grass. Azreal looked down at me. grabbed me giving me to his party mates. they started to run taking me somewhere safe. As the attackers left I returned to the guild. It started to rain, as i walked past them, they didn’t even look towards me. I arrived at the guild. the wood was charred stone falling down bodies littered the ground. a couple of feet from the entrance was where lily’s body laid. I walked into the ruined guild. there he was My father, his body limp burnt and no longer living. I started carrying their body laying them on the ground. There was a shovel I buried the bodies of the other workers and the adventurers and mercenaries. it came to my parents bodies. My father had his sword in his right hand and a dagger in his left and my mother had the damn bag of gold. I picked up the bag took my fathers armor, sword, daggers, and bow and the remaining of his arrows then buried them. I stared at the patches of dirt that held their bodies under. I knew I wouldn’t remember where i buried their bodies so i walked to the guild then put them on top of their patches burying them a bit to make sure they don’t move. Now with the armor and weapons of my father, and the money my mother wanted to give me. Now I live in a world of Nihility and Rage.
Ash Reed the backstory
Ash Reed used to be a street kid before he met an old man. This old man was a well trained monk. Ash needed money for food instead of stealing it he tried to mug the monk. But he had lost.
“You have heart kid, come to the Sanctuary of the Iron Fist. Look for me, I’ll train you correctly. Of course this is your own choice.”
The man then dropped some coins in front of Ash. The next day after he had eaten some bread. He went to the Sanctuary of the Iron Fist. Looking for the old man. Who he learned was named Kaelen The unyielding. Kaelen started to train him as a Boxer. Ash slowly started to learn how to truly fight and what it meant to defend yourself. While being forced to meditate Ash opened his mouth.
“Kaelen, why is this place called the Sanctuary of the Iron Fist? There seems to be no fists made of iron here.”
“I’ll tell you after finishing this”
Ash nodded. As they walked through the garden of the sanctuary he learns that the reason for the Iron fist was that the monks there made their skin bones, their entire hands into something that’s equal to Iron.
As time passes Ash learns to control his old self. Kaelen learned this also much quicker. Ash started to act like a different person more controlled. Ash’s first spare was what made Kaelen rethink his choices. At the start of the fight Ash fought as he was taught but slowly switched to his old reckless personality. Through training and a quick change of nature. Ash gained a Split personality disorder. The one that loves fighting with all their heart and the one that’s calm, cool, and collected.
As Ash grew up Kaelen started to only train Ash’s hands for fighting. At the Age of 18 Ash had lost his home and master. Coming back from buying food he came back to the Sanctuary of the Iron Fist burning down to the ground. Ash fell to his knees he had lost this, his home. The place where he had trained became a better person. As he watched the people there start to water the fire he walked through the charred wood was all he saw. The garden his master loved so much was completely burnt down. He walked into the burnt down library, a singular letter left there untouched. He read that the attackers were the Cloister of the Shadowed Hand. Ash was filled with rage yet through his training he was calm. He walked to his masters room. The fire in his heart burned with hatred more than ever. As he saw his master’s room ravaged and torn apart. He went to his masters dresser taking a robe putting it around his waist he then walked to the training center taking arm wraps then walked off searching to extinguish the fire in his heart
Dairy of Yonii
My Father told me to keep a journal or dairy so I suppose this is what it is. I don’t have much to say or write down. So I’ll instead write of my younger years.
Year 1
Not much I could remember from when I was a year old but my family holding me up for a coronation for daimyou’s heir. My father the daimyo and my mother a barbarian queen without a barbarian king. they married to unite two families. both leaders from great sets of lands.
Year 2
At the age of 2 I began to learn of the gods that both my families worshipped. I worshipped this gods at a point as well, to the best of my abilities seeing it that I was just 2 years old.
Luxria the goddess of lust and desire.
Gula the goddess of Gluttony and excess.
Avaitia the god of greed and materialism.
Acedia the god of sloth and apathy.
Ira the goddess of wrath and anger.
Invidia the goddess of envy and jealousy.
Superbia the god of pride and arrogance.
Sometimes my Mother let me watch as my Father taught my Sister how to wield a katana. But she seemed to learn my Mother’s style much faster.
Year 3
At age three I learned how to talk and walk. My Father looked so happy. I was proud in myself. I had a Butler at this time. He’d let me leave the main house and be outside I’d swing a little stick as if I was using a Katana. I wanted to be like my father.
Year 4
At age four my Father started to teach me how to use the katana. Of course it was only a bokken but I still trained hard for a four year old.
“Yonii you must use two hands your right hand here”
He’d fix my stance
“One, two, one two. no again!”
He worked me to the bone and I worked along side that doing it till I got it right.
Year 5
At the age of 5 my Mother began to teach me her way of fighting. It was not for me but I tried to make my Mother proud. I think just trying made her proud. My Father Allowed for me to go deeper into the village then just outside the house.
whispers of the people. my people calling me Oni whenever I walked by them. I used to think that they were making fun of me making fun of my Mother and my Father for being in love. I began to hate them. I began to gain rage even in training with my Father.
He looked down at me with burdened eyes.
“What troubles you my son?”
I said and looked away wanting to not remember what the people my people had called me.
I didn’t respond to that. But my eyes did look down and fill with tears.
“So that’s what it is. Oni that little nickname the others have given you”
I couldn’t answer I was holding back my tears.
“Cry my son it’s normal for you to cry.”
I bursted into tears as if it was a command as my Father had patted my head.
“Yonii, the nickname Oni isn’t anything bad they see how strong you are not that of a dragon not that of the Kraken not that of a angel you are as strong as a Oni. Their complementing you now then let me see that Oni”
My Father a sometimes wise and nice man. But at other times is ruthless. I walked outside with pride nothing more but that.
Year 6-9
At the age of six to the age of nine not much happened everything stayed the same sometimes I’d go to my mothers and the rest of the time I’d stay at my Fathers.
Year 10
At the age of ten was when everything got messed up hell it even happened on my date of birth. They attacked at night. Some assassins with a emblem on the top of their hoods of a snake snarling with crossbones. My butler woke me up and tried to rush me out of the village but we ran into my father fighting multiple of them. he was covered in blood his own and their blood. My butler tried to pull me away and keep running some of the assassins saw me and my Butler. They tried to attack us but got swatted away with my father’s katana.
“Luter go! take Yonii and run I’ll be fine. AUGH”
Right in front of my face there stuck a straight sword.
“guess I missed the kid”
My Father was kicked to the side as the uchigatana that the assassin wielded was pulled from him. I was frozen with fear I wished I could move maybe then my Father and my Butler would still be with me, at the very least still have my right arm. The assassin move his uchigatana upwards cutting my right eye. I fell backwards as my B Luter covered me with his body. The assassin left an X on his back. he then pushed me away
“G-go young Yonii Run”
The assassin stepped on Luter’s back keeping him pinned to the ground.
“Thought you were the next in line for this cursed domain.”
I was still frozen I hated that of myself I couldn’t move for the hell of me. I begged that god that Mother and Father prayed to and I kept praying till I felt a warm yet cold pain on my right arm. I yelled out as I looked back to see, My father having his katana deep into the Assassins side as my arm fell right in front of me.
Luter picked me up and ran with me I watched as more assassins came to my Father.
Age 11
We made it to my Mother’s village just to see it burnt to ashes. my Mother’s corpse kneeling in the middle of the village with multiple arrows and swords stuck into her her body covered in her and other’s blood. around her were corpses of the people her people my people. Me and Luter buried them. my Mother in the front while the rest of them were behind her. That’s the way her parents had it so I did the same for her. I couldn’t find my elder sisters body or weapons. I did find some old hand axes in my mothers room. I took them.
Age 12
We went back to my Father’s village everyone was slaughtered the people decaying. we buried them also. But when we arrived to my Father. I couldn’t help but freeze. I stared at his broken body. Multiple swords, kunai, shuriken, and arrows in him. His robe ripped and torn dyed with his and other’s blood so was his skin. One sword stuck out. A pitch black katana with half of our family symbol hanging from it. Luter pulled it out then began to clean it. nearly 10 minutes staring at my fathers corpse Luter came back and handed me two weapons the same katana that was stuck in my Father and a black wakizashi.
“Your Father meant for you to have these Young Yonii on your 18th birthday. But now is better then ever.”
I took the weapons and then buried my father.
“Even though i prayed to the goddess while we were being attacked she never answered. What a liar they made of my Father and Mother.”
I said as I looked down at my Fathers grave.
Year 13-16
Me and Luter lived together in a built cabin he tried his best to train me only being able to shadow my Father and Mother. I eventually lost Luter. But he left me something a prosthetic arm, a bow and a letter which read.
Dear Young Master Yonii
This day has come. My injury has over come me. I leave you these a bow not new nor old but a good bow made by the same person that made your Father’s bow how I wish you could have seen him with it, And lastly a Prosthetic arm while not as good as a actual arm it should solve the needing of your right arm, you can put your full force into it no need to fear breaking it. I hope you like these gifts. Now then. Go find your Sister. We never did find her. Good luck young master Yonii
From your Dearly Departed Luter Rekou
I buried his body next to my fathers.
Now I search for my Older Sister. I’ll find her. If she is dead I’ll give her a proper grave with our Mother.
Battle Academy Chronicles Prologue
BattleForge Academy is the school I got accepted into. Being a small branch of the Kieii Family it’s actually a very large achievement. I am from a samurai family after all. I’m getting my home test if I’ll be allowed to go or not.
“Daichi! Hurry up stop writing in your book it’s time for your test!.”
My father yelled up to me in a raspy tone.
I walked downstairs the clan leader and his daughters and sons were there. I stepped onto the mat and bowed fully to show respect. my eyes shifted to the left then the right I walked to the right side of the mat. my father was across from me. No armor no upper clothes just a Bokken, one of the servants rang a gong and the test had started.
Both my and my father rushed at each other out Bokken clashed if he swung I parried if I swung he parried. Swing after Swing parry after parry. My father was able to hit my side I started to fall as he pushed his bokken down onto my skull. then I stopped moving pushing my head against his bokken my head bleeding a bit.
“you’re open”
A reckless but powerful swing straight to his side sent him flying I kept standing as I looked down at my father who was now on the ground. both of us bleeding but I obviously had more damage. I heard laughter coming from the clan leader. he had some sake next to him and a large cup.
“good skill of the Oni-Ryu you have my blessing to go to the BattleForge academy, Ayaka and Ryoichi shall take care of making you a blade worthy of your hands”
the clan leader my dad and I bowed toward him.
“Thank you sir my son is very Adamant about training and learning the skills of the Oni-Ryu that your family made”
Miss Ayaka and Mr. Ryoichi took me to their royal smiths. there i was tested to get my first real Katana. The blacksmith sat me down told me what to do i kept the flame going no matter what.
“the blade will be made out of a High carbon steel with other ores. listen but keep that fire going, boy. the way to maintain the blade is simple first take out the mekugi pegs then use a uchiko powder ball then use a nice dry and clean towel then repeat steps two and three till you like how it looks but not too much a clean blade shows the inexperience of the user”
I listened as I kept the fire going. after a couple weeks we had finished my katana. The blade was a simple one yet had decals of thunder. The handle wrapped in a black silk ito the Menuki symbolizing a thunderbolt design. The Tsuba crafted with blackened iron shaped into swirling storm clouds, and finally the saya a dark ebony wood lacquered to a glossy finish with a raiju along the right side and a three tomoe symbol on the left side.
I heard the blacksmith laughing
“You did good kid. What should the name be of this fine weapon. hm, take up your father’s name.”
I nodded “That would be nice”
“Then Kaminari no ha no Chonan, or thunder’s blade first son for any of the friends that don’t understand our language. now then go pack you’ll be leaving in two days won’t you?”
“Yes sir”
I left my sword in a simple silk bag going back to my father’s house I walked in.
“I’m home!”
There wasn’t an answer I checked everywhere. then I heard the door when I checked it was my father with bags.
“come help me Daichi got your school clothes and a formal outfit.”
I walked over he handed me the bags I went upstairs and then started to pack clothes shoes and some snacks from the store down the street. The last two days I spent training nonstop. eventually, the day came up the people there gave me gifts for the ride from more snacks to tools. the blacksmith gave me a cleaning kit for my katana. The clan Leader gave me a bottle of sake. he said for when you win your first battle and for when you get a lover. Now I wait for this train to stop at Novatech Nexus. To learn even more.
After an hour the Train arrived I stepped out carrying two bags and my katana. The city was bright with floating pictures and other technical items I wondered for a while finding good locations for relaxing and training. I got lost I didn’t know how to use the Maps there. I bumped into a tall lean boy with a sleek somewhat agile frame bet he’d be able to move fast. he had black hair and black eyes that had a type of piercing effect that gave him an intimidating presence. wearing dark form-fitting clothing that seems easy to move in. Two short swords hang from his back.
“Just my luck another newbie.”
I looked up at this tall man his facial features showed to be around my age.
“Yeah, it’s that way to Battleforge Academy. Take a left when you see the food stalls”
He pointed behind him. I bowed then ran off. he seemed a bit weird.
Eventually, I did arrive at the school there were tons of people of all shapes and sizes and seemingly from all over the world.
There was an entrance ceremony. That tall guy stood on the front stage, and he talked about being excited to be president and how he was excited to see what the new students had to offer. But his face seemed disappointed and so did his tone. I was directed to the Samurai dorms. I took one next to the edge of the building my neighbors being from the Takeda family a fast strike little damage family. Saito is a fiery family. and the Tanaka family placed diagonally from me, are known for being as strong as a Dragon. I was able to keep the Sake after I explained why I had it. I hopped in bed ready for the next day.
The Human Kikaju pt 1
There’s an obvious difference between us and the deep pockets. We stayed above ground while they were living below us. Sure that seems like we have it better but honestly I’d rather see an artificial sun than a Kikaju. Walking to school isn’t any different than trying to survive. Most Kikaju’s are the size of a large lion or an elephant. There isn’t any security up here so we made our own government. Well, the grownups made the government. Some people would assume we’d die faster than a cheetah, we travel from rooftops, and we know basically everyone.
“Hey Kija, come over and buy some armaments.”
Armaments are weapons up here. Since we’re mostly just cannon fodder we get crappy weapons. I denied Hinks offer and kept walking to my school till I bumped into someone twice my size.
“Kija, how’s the sister doing?”
There was a pure nonchalant vibe coming from this boy. Not because we were friends we’re quite the opposite.
“How’s your family Toukada?”
We were both orphans, I could hear oohs and ahhs coming from the merchant stands. I pushed past him since he was mostly in a trance state now. While yes it was rude that’s just how things worked either let people eat you up or you eat them up. Even though I’m much smaller, I wasn’t going to be the one to go down. I defied it.
School was mostly similar to the money bags type of people other than the part that it had all the grades in one class no one learned anything maybe that’s why people like Toukada had the smarts of a newborn.
Since I lived alone I didn’t have a curfew so I’d run around the upper grounds. Sometimes I’d watch some of the adults go scavenging, I wanted to be one of those, The Vultures. Being a vulture requires being smart and strong but lately, they are letting every low-brain cell into that job. The other day I saw around 25 vultures and only 5 of them came back two of them seemed fine while the other 3 were horrified. You may be asking yourself why Mr. MoneyBags doesn’t help us, simple they are greedy and they do sometimes when they’re not being fat cats.
But sometimes they do.
Like now even though it’s little they still bring us stuff and we can’t be greedy. town center there were some soldiers in full steel outfits having rifles. while others unloaded some supplies for us. it was mostly stale bread and poor water but sometimes we had armament cashes that barely had working weapons. People like Hink help make them useful I looked over as a small kid made a mud ball and then threw it at one of the soldiers. I saw the soldier get hit and immediately walk up to us I quickly grabbed the kid’s hand wiped the mud on my hand then started to make a mud ball of my own. then suddenly the barrel of a rifle was right in my face and a knife in its sheath on the soldier’s hip.
M1K4 The 7.9 Years Of Fun
When I came to be I was a younger version the newer barbarian version of Warforged. While I was built for was that wasn’t my actual task but more importantly I was tasked to look over my Masters child her name was Eve. They were known as the Celestes they were known for being people of a certain God. and I was programmed with such knowledge as well. I remember the day Eve was born and I like to relive it from time to time
Chapter 1: Age 1
I was granted passage to Miss Celeste’s room where I first met Eve. Miss Celestes handed me Eve I cradled her she was wrapped in a fine purple blanket, and she was asleep. I didn’t have to do much Miss Celeste pointed to a box that already had bottles of fresh milk I picked that up as well then was told to take a walk with Eve. The milk stayed fresh thanks to the young master Adam who knew how to use rune magic. I thanked the young master with a bow I then kept walking we arrived at the garden there were other Warforges some were of the fighters some barbarians like me and some rangers. up in the towers with bows. I sat in one of the seating areas made for us Warforged. I watched over Eve, when she woke up she seemed calm. her bright Emerald green eyes looked up into mine with a small grunt I knew she was hungry so I fed her with a bottle of milk, and she then slowly went back to sleep. it slowly grew darker I stood up picking up the box of milk as well I then walked back to the nursery room of the mansion. there were some nurses and a couple doctors, not warforges but instead, humans, and an elf. One of the nurses took Eve from me and put her into one of the few cribs.
Slowly I watched and protected Eve as she grew up. my Masters while not always able to be the parents always did try when they were able. while it seemed boring to the people that did live in the mansion of me just taking care of Eve, I found it fun that my entire life is made to take care of Eve. A year had basically passed since Eve was born. there was a celebration she was seated in front of a one large strawberry-layered cake. She blew out her candles and was allowed to eat a bit since it was her birthday. I watched over her as she took her first steps towards my masters or her parents, they picked her up once she arrived with such joy. Of course, I was behind her, ensuring she wouldn’t trip and fall. I then kneeled in front of my masters waiting for their next command.
“M1K4 Barbatos please take care of my daughter till death. for now, take her to rest she’s had a big day.”
I nodded stood then extended my hands Eve was given back to me I walked out going back to the nursery this time it seemed that the only nurse that was working was the elf one. I kneeled then she gently lifted Eve from my hands then started to rock her, I stayed there till she drifted off to sleep.
“you’re her caretaker correct”
the Elf asked and I responded with a simple nod.
“I know you can speak, you may speak here M1k4.”
“Yes I am her caretaker”
“Huh, a gentle giant the Barbatos that is a caretaker.”
Chapter 2: Age 2
I reactivated in the nursery apparently from what the elf nurse tells me. we talked for a while about my job and hers, since she doesn’t have to sleep she does night days on the regular apparently her name is Ariel. I woke up to Eve walking toward me she held my hand while I couldn’t feel it, I knew it was warm. I looked up at Ariel she gave me a box of baby food. I and Eve left and wandered the mansion we ended up in the garden and sitting I was feeding her. days passed we had some sort of fun it was calm and peaceful. days passed our routine continued near fall she asked me to sit and play with her. I pretended to eat with her. we played with dolls, we had fun day till night. I was protecting her while being her friend.
“You guys are something else M1k4”
“Thank you, Ariel”
She gave a small nod. She sat next to me we stared off at the crib that held Eve. I fell into stasis till the next day. day after day, night after night. this is what would repeat it was fun yet uneventful. it was her birthday again we celebrated it this time it was 2 layers of strawberry.
Chapter 3: Age 3-6
Days stayed the same through ages 2 and 3 we had fun one time we went into the snow thank God she didn’t get sick. her 4th birthday she said her first word which was Mom.
the next day she was enrolled at the learning center in the mansion she’s learning how to pronounce and write in common and Elvish, and she’s learning from her mother how to do magic. near the end of the day we go to our spot she’d eat as I looked over her.
“M1k4 Barbatos you have a weird name”
Eve told me.
“would you like me to explain it to you, Miss Eve”
she gave a small nod as she ate her food.
“I am Mark 1444 version barbatos meaning I am the 1444 creation and a barbarian class of warforged also known as barbatos.”
She looked towards me with what seemed to be excitement or something I didn’t understand emotions.
“how about I call you Mika!”
with a small kneel and a bow of my head.
“If that is what you wish Miss Eve.”
since she was 4 now she has her own royal room. when we walked back we stumbled across mister Celeste I kneeled as Eve ran up to her father and hugged him.
“Where are you off to now M1-“
“Mika papa”
Mister Celeste looked at Eve then at me then with a quick ahem.
“Where are you off to now Mika.”
“To put Miss Eve to bed, sir”
With a quick nod of his head, he put down Eve.
“Good, Continue”
Eve and I walked to her room I tucked her in she slowly went to sleep I closed the door to her balcony, and her front door i then sat next to her bed and went into stasis.
her 5th birthday passed. while in the garden she asked me to pick some flowers. then told me to follow her which I did. She took me to Miss Celetes’ room.
“Mamma i wanna make a crown for Mika”
Miss Celeste looked at her with confusion then at me.
“OH why of course dear Eve”
Miss Celeste took the flowers from my hand made them into that of a flower crown then handed it to Eve. I kneeled putting one hand on my knee.
Eve got on her tippy toes and then put the crown on my head. If I had feeling during that time I know I would’ve been happy. Eve ran out I stood up bowed towards Miss Celeste then ran after Eve.
When she was 5 Eve was mature for her age while still looking young she was developing her own personality becoming what people call a tomboy. She started to learn how to use swords. I wasn’t one to refuse her requests so I did as she told me to. It was only when her father found out what she was doing.
“Papa just listen I’m doing good I’m not getting hurt, I’m protected by Mika.”
“I’m Aware. But I don’t wish for your dreams to shatter when you’re older my dear”
Eve shook her head.
“No, my dreams won’t shatter I beat Big Brother Adam”
Mister Celeste looked towards me to see if she was telling the truth, and I nodded.
“Yes, sir it is true. While young master Adam was trying around 50% your daughter the one I’m sworn to protect, kept him on his toes. Miss Eve, so I do believe if your Daughter Miss Eve gets the proper training, she’ll surpass her elder brother, and my young master Adam. In both Swordplay and Magic.”
Mister Celeste nodded at me.
“Alright do as you wish Eve my dear”
Eve stood up jumping with a smile she then walked over and hugged me. I gently patted her back. We were somewhat rushed to get back to Eve’s room since it was pretty dark outside. She jumped into bed cuddling up to her pillow.
“Miss Eve I suggest you should change into your sleeping clothes.”
“she huffed then stood up then changed to her night clothes then jumped back into bed. I sat down in my usual spot I took off my flower crown placing it on the bedside table. I went into stasis. Eve’s 6th birthday was a cold one. Not that no one showed up I meant that it was cold because of the winter that hadn’t stopped. She was mostly training outside with her sword and magic. Eve didn’t want to celebrate her birthday. So I stayed by her side. Sadly my systems weren’t as cold-protected as I thought they were. When I reactivated I could hear Eve crying I could barely see, I saw a semi-short shadowy figure. I started to move my hand.
“Mi-miss E-E-E-Eve, N-n-no-no neeeeee-Need to c-c-ry-cry.”
My voice was glitchy. My vision went to black I then rebooted I could fully see, Eve wasn’t crying anymore I felt taller and heavier. In front of me was Eve she was hugging me apparently I had been offline for around a month. Young master Adam brought over a mirror.
“Well then Mika you have been upgraded”
I looked at the mirror I looked diffrenet more new, A white body, with blue yellow and red highlights. i looked ontop of my head and it seemed to be like that of a crown.
“we lost the flower crown you used to wear but atleast you got a new one. Eve asked for it.”
i kneeled in front of Eve.
“thank you my lady”
she gave me a hug then i heared a knock on the door. Ariel opened and looked at me. she then bowed to Young master Adam and miss Eve.
“I’m guessing the shiny Warforged is Mika.”
“I nodded yes it is Miss Ariel.”
Chapter 4: Ages 7-8
For her 7th birthday, her two teachers gave her presents. her swordplay teacher gave her a short sword, and her magic teacher gave her a small wand. Eve had graduated, and young master Adam was better suited for Alchemy and Artificer-type things. Throughout the days we did our usual shenanigans. but around halfway through the year. She dragged Ariel and me to her room then gave her a red bracelet and me a black bracelet.
“What are these for Miss Eve?”
“For being my protectors when I was a kid”
“Thank you Miss Eve I’ll keep this on me forever”
She hugged both of us and then rested her head on mine. When I said I felt at peace it was a lie not until I got the upgrade could I feel anything but right now being held in Eves’s arms I felt at peace, but little did I know that was going to be one of the last times I held Eve.
Eve’s 8th birthday was fun I had felt what fun had felt like and it was delightful, I even got to dance with Eve and Ariel. but it was short-lived. The day before my most hated day I was given three weapons a longsword a mace and a battle axe. Eve woke me up in the middle of a rainy night. banging, shouting, and yelling were basically all I could hear.
“Mika we gotta go now”
I picked her up holding her close to my metallic cold body I rushed to where our safe spot was when I entered. all I could see were children nurses and doctors I scanned the room and then left Eve with Ariel.
Ariel basically held Eve down so that I could leave. while my main mission was to protect Eve I also had to protect young master Adam and their parents. I slashed and bashed through enemies till I saw Adam about to be slaughtered like his beheaded parents.
I rushed in without thinking
he screamed at me as the sword went down cutting straight through his neck. I felt hatred, I felt sadness, I felt Grief, I felt Guilt, I felt Despair, I felt shame, I felt rage.
After making a blood bath I wasn’t in the best shape myself I went back to the safe room and there were two enemies so I slaughtered them. I opened the door and started to escort the nurses, and doctors who carried the babies and children, Ariel carried Eve. little did we know that people were the least of our worries. tamed animals attacked I couldn’t protect everyone. I was covered in wounds blood and intestines. we ran back to Eves’s room I barricaded the doors and the windows. Eve and Ariel started to heal my wounds, this wouldn’t have helped. not being able to see through windows is for both sides. I held both of them close to me.
“m-mika Ariel…”
“I know the kid I know we’re not going alive hopefully they already checked your room”
from the corner of my eye, I saw a bat. we don’t work with bats.
When I opened my eyes I felt a piece of wood going through my arm. I stood up taking it out.
I looked down to see I wasn’t the only one to be hit with the wood. both Ariel and Eve had their bodies pierced. I kneeled down looking down at them. their soft cold hands touched my broken arm it slowly healed, and after a couple seconds, Ariel let go her life had stopped.
“Mi-mika, thank you now then when you wake up find yourself someone you wish to protect. I Eve Celeste grant you freedom”
Her arm let go I felt myself grow heavier i fell to the side of them looking at their corpses, they were still warm yet I didn’t know the magic to regain their lives, I held them for the last time as I saw nothing but darkness.